Effect of L-carnitine supplementation on fattening and carcass parameters of broiler chickens

Cyril Hrnčár, Simona Verguliaková, Peter Svorad, Ján Weis, Henrieta Aprášová, Slavomír Mindek, Martin Fik, Jozef Bujko


DOI: 10.15414/afz.2015.18.01.06–09

Received 28. September 2014 ǀ Accepted 16. March 2015 ǀ Available online 31. March 2015

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the functional efficiency of feed additives on base L-carnitine (30 %) in drinking water on performance and carcass parameters of broiler chickens. The study was realised on 100 Ross 308 broiler chickens randomly divided into two groups. Chickens from the experimental group were supplemented with preparation on the base L-carnitine in drinking water (1 ml per 1.2 l) during three periods: from 1 to 5, 19 to 23, and 37 to 41 days of age. The study evaluated the effect of L-carnitine supplemented to chickens on performance and slaughter parameters. It was found that L-carnitine supplemented to drinking water increase final body weight and improved feed consumption over the whole fattening period. From carcass parameters addition of preparation on base L-carnitine statistically significant increased proportion of leg muscle in males, not significantly reduced the proportion of breast muscle in males and females and increased carcass yield in both of sexes. The addition of L-carnitine in broiler chickens from the experimental group had little effect on the percentage of fat, gizzard, liver and heart in the carcass.

Keywords: broiler, chicken, L-carnitine, fattening, carcass

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