Continual Monitoring of Reticulorumenal pH of Dairy Cows During 45 Days

Ondrej Hanušovský, Daniel Bíro, Milan Šimko, Branislav Gálik, Miroslav Juráček, Michal Rolinec, Marián Majlát, Róbert Herkeľ



Received 30. June 2015 ǀ Accepted 10. August 2015 ǀ Available online 14. October 2015

The aim of the study was to continuosly monitored reticuloruminal pH in 7 dairy cows of Holstein breed during 45 days at school experimental farm in Oponice. The bolus which was implemented through Esophagus measured pH and temperature values every 15 minutes (96 data points per day) with accuracy +/- 0.1 pH. Data were downloaded and collected with HathorHBClient v. 1.8.1 and statistically evaluated with IBM SPSS v. 20.0 (One-way ANNOVA). We found statistically significant differences between average values of pH from all dairy cows every hour (p<0.05). Overally was average pH 6.28±0.32. The lowest pH which we recorded was 5.30 and the highest 7.39. During 24 hours of day were dairy cows on average 6 hours and 51 minutes (28.6 % of a day) between pH interval 6.2 – 6.4. The second longest period of pH values were between 6.4 – 6.6 and took on average 6 hours and 8 minutes (25.6 % of a day). ). The smallest part of a day was pH over 6.8. It was only 0.6 % representing 8 minutes and 34 seconds.

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© Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources