Hungarian on-farm research program for varroa control in organic beekeeping

Tamás Csáki, Dóra Drexler


Varroatosis as the current bane of the beekeepers is causing the biggest economic damage in the apicultural sector. Consistent control of varroatosis should be provided without harmful effects such as the occurrence of toxic residues in the hive products. In the technology of organic beekeeping only natural materials are allowed to be used such as essential oils and organic acids. Since 2013 within the beekeeping on-farm research program, we are collaborating with beekeepers throughout Hungary in comparative trials for testing the efficacy of different types of varroa control treatments and management practices. The trials are set up in market operations. One essential task of the program is to monitor the infestation level systematically with practical mite-counting techniques.

Keywords: organic beekeeping, on-farm research, varroa control

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