Metabolic indicators in cattle breeding

Lenka Hanusová, Jindřich Čítek, Libor Večerek, Lucie Tothová, Božena Hosnedlová


Potential associations among glucose tolerance test (GTT) as ability to metabolize glucose, estimated breeding values (EBVs) for milk traits and selected candidate gene polymorphisms were evaluated.  German Holstein sires, born in 1993 and between years 1999 and 2003, were analysed. A few significant negative correlations between milk and protein yield and GTT were found in sires born in 1993. Only a few significant correlations were found for protein yield, protein percentage and for fat percentage and yield (sires born in different years). Any linkage of DGAT1, GH1, GHR, FASN and OLR1 to GTT was found.

Keywords: milk, glucose, correlation, breeding values


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