Milan Šimko, Daniel Bíro, Miroslav Juráček, Branislav Gálik, Ondrej Pastierik


The effects of mechanical processing of white lupine seeds (Lupinus albus L.) on nutrients digestibility and nitrogen balance in sheep were
investigated. The basis of the diets was meadow hay supplemented with lupine seed, barley grain and oat grain. The first diet contained
whole lupine, ground barley and ground oat (diet a). In the second diet the lupine seed was grounded (diet b). The experiment was
performed on six castrated male cigaja sheep with mean live weight of 45.8 kg. They had been castrated at about one month of age.
Animals were fed twice a day – at 6.30 a.m. And 6.30 p.m. The 11-day adaptation period was followed by the 5-day experimental period. Diet
samples were taken and analyzed for nutrient contents according to the Regulation of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Slovak Republic
no. 2145/2004-100. During the experimental period, feces and urine were collected. From the amounts collected per 24 hour, average
samples were taken for chemical analysis. Significance of differences between the diets was evaluated by Fischer`s LSD test using the
program Statgraphics, ver. 5.0. The high digestibility of dry matter (77%), crude protein (76%) crude fat (83%), crude fibre (71%), nitrogen
free extract (83%) and organic matter (79%) was detected for the diet b. The higher nitrogen excretion (21.81 g) was recorded in the
diet a (P <0.05). It resulted in low percentage nitrogen intake retained as well as low percentage digested nitrogen retained. Retention of
nitrogen did differ significantly between the diets a and b (P <0.01). Mechanical processing of lupine seed altered the nutrients digestibility
of and nitrogen balance.

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