Zea mays L. hybrids kernels evaluated by image analysis tools

Janka Nôžková, Eniko Kasa


Received: 2018-06-07    |    Accepted: 2018-06-19    |    Available online: 2018-06-30


The aim of this study was to distinguishing between kernels of maize hybrids by the use of image analysis tools. We analyzed 10 registered Zea mays L. hybrids (5 – dent, 2 – semi-flint to flint, and 3 – semi-flint to dent type). Different parameters on ventral, dorsal, corolla side, and lateral side cross section of kernel were measured. Sample per each hybrid comprised 50 maize kernels. Acquired bio-images were processed by software Zeiss AxioVision Rel. 4.8. We analyzed the segmented regions of interest on the kernels. The data for area (mm2), height and width (mm) were gathered from these regions. The hybrid ZE EDOX significantly differed (p < 0.05) from all other hybrids almost in all traits. It is the hybrid with the smallest area of the whole kernel, floury endosperm proportion, and depressed part on corolla. The new trait the area of the depressed part on the kernel corolla was measured. The hybrids with smaller proportion of floury endosperm had smaller area of depressed part, and vice versa. The image analysis methods can usefully contribute to selection of proper hybrids for different types of use.

Keywords: maize, Zea mays L., kernel, image analysis


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