The morphological changes of oviductal mucose in oestral cycle of sows

Danka Šťastná, Pavel Šťastný, Martina Miluchová, Michal Gábor


Article Details: Received: 2019-01-25 | Accepted: 2019-03-26 | Available online: 2019-06-30

The aim of this work was to describe microscopic and submicroscopic changes in uterine tube of 40 sows in the estral cycle. Samples of the uterine tube were obtained for histological studies by vivisection from three sections of uterine tube. Samples were fixed for light microscopy (LM) in formaldehyde and in glutaraldehyde paraformaldehyde for scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM) electron microscopy. They were subsequently processed in the usual manner in the LM and electron microscopic studies laboratories. We did not detect progressive changes in the length of the uterine tube. Unlike the sows‘ weight (2.57 ± 1.12 g or 2.26 ± 0.96 g), the length of the uterine tube was virtually unchanged depending on the stage of the cycle (30.2 ± 2.51 cm in FF or 30.1 ± 2.39 cm in LF). The largest relative volume of the epithelial layer was at the follicular stage of the cycle along the entire uterine tube. The difference varied from 4.99% - isthmus to 13.62% infundibulum between each part. Significant changes were seen between the ciliary and secretory cells during the estral cycle in the various parts of the uterine tube. Ciliary cells dominated throughout the cycle in infindibulum and ampulla, whereas secretory cells in isthmus. Their changes and differentiations are the manifestations of hormonal changes that direct the estral cycle. Submicroscopic changes of cells in the estral cycle have also been described.

Keywords: sows, oviduct – uterine tube, histology


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