The influence of mycorrhizal preparations on the growth and production process of turf under non–irrigated conditions

Peter Hric, Ján Jančovič, Peter Kovár, Ľuboš Vozár


The aim of this experiment was to determine the influence of mycorrhizal preparations                on chosen indicators of the growth and production process of turf. The experiment was realized in the Experimental station of the Department of Grassland Ecosystems and Forage Crops FAFR SUA in Nitra in warm and dry conditions. Four indicators were evaluated: the average height of vegetation, the average daily gain of turfgrass height, the production of dry above-ground phytomass and the average daily gain of dry above-ground phytomass. In the experiment, 4 treatments were evaluated (1. no mycorrhizal preparation 2. the mycorrhizal preparation Turfcomp®, 3. the mycorrhizal preparation Symbivit®, 4. the mycorrhizal preparation Conavit®). The results showed that the lowest rate of the daily gains was detected after the application of the mycorrhizal preparation Symbivit® (4.06 The lowest production was determined in the treatment with the mycorrhizal preparation Turfcomp® (2.40 In conclusion, we can say that when it comes to turfgrass, Turfcomp® and  Symbivit® proved the most successful.

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