Dynamics of occurence of dominant species Pseudoophonus Rufires (De Geer, 1774) and Poecilus Cupreus (Linn., 1758) depending on the application of organic matter into the soil

Jana Porhajášová, Jaroslav Noskovič, Alena Rakovská, Terézia Čeryová


DOI: 10.15414/afz.2014.17.01.30-35

Received 13. February 2014 ǀ Accepted 10. March 2014 ǀ Available online 8. April 2014

The aim of this work was to evaluate the dynamics of the occurence of dominant species Pseudoophonus rufipes and Poecilus cupreus, belonging to the family Carabidae (Coleoptera), during the years 2004-2009, on the locality Kolíňany, by the method earth traps, which were exposed in the five variants with application of organic fertilizers: 1st variant- control variant ; 2nd variant- 25 t.ha - 1 of the manure ; 3rd variant- 50 t.ha- 1 of biosludge; 4th variant- 50 t.ha - 1 of the manure; 5th variant- 100 t. ha- 1 of biosludge. Every year the traps were exposed in different crops: 2004- Helianthus annuus; 2005– Beta vulgaris; 2006- Zea mays; 2007- Beta vulgaris; 2008-Hordeum vulgare; 2009- Helianthus annuus. Altogether there were trapped 105 654 exemplars of epigeic groups. From the above mentioned 60.396 exemplars belonged to the order Coleoptera, of which the family Carabidae represented 51.932 exemplars. As the dominant species were Pseudoophonus rufipes with abundance 39.432 exemplars and Poecilus cupreus 1.560 exemplars. The abundance of Pseudoophonus rufipes ranged from 304 to 3.384 exemplars, maximum abundance was recorded in 2009 (11.868 exemplars) in sunflower crop. Minimum frequency was recorded in 2005 (2.920 exemplars) in sugar beet crop. Based on the statistic evaluation the dependence of Pseudoophonus rufipes on climate factors was highly significant (P < 0.01), dependence of variant was significant (P=0.05 to 0.01) and correlation of P. rufipes from other species was insignificant. The abundance of Poecilus cupreus was 1.560 exemplars, with maximum frequency of 460 exemplars in year 2006 in vegetation with corn for silage, the minimum frequency was recorded in year 2007 in the sugar beet crop, with only 52 ex. Within the multiplicity of variants ranged from absence to 156 exemplars (5th variant, year 2004). The statistic evaluation of dependence on species Poecilus cupreus from year, temperature, rainfall was highly significat (P<0.01), the dependence of species from variant was insignificant (P>0.05).  Based on the evaluation of specific identity (58.06 to 78.57 %) the ecosystem can be viewed as an significantly influenced by anthropic activity.

Keywords: bioindicators, Carabidae family, Coleoptera order, organic matter, soil organisms

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